2025 Energy of Stag Spirit: Stepping into Compassionate Leadership

On the last day of 2024, after days of receiving Stag Spirit in meditation, I called upon our Beloved Divine to guide me in painting a portrait worthy of the energy that Stag Spirit encompasses:

Quiet power
Inner truth
Majestic wisdom
Compassionate leadership

As I meditate on this energy and on the insistent appearance of Stag in my visions upon the close of 2024, I find myself called to embody this energy in 2025. To step fully into my power, rooted in compassion, love and gratitude. Delving ever further into the ancient wisdom living deep within, vibrations of infinitude accessible through quiet, humble surrender. 

As I prepare to step into this role of compassionate leader, I implore myself to discover all that it means. So often, we define “leadership” in reference to the other — to the external. But even more important at this juncture is to dig into how I might embody the energy of compassionate leadership in reference to myself. I am guided to further my work in:

Setting and holding healthy boundaries
Radical self-acceptance
Right use of will

All of the above easy falls under the umbrella of self-care — the type of self-care that not only aids in healing old wounds, but also in ensuring further trauma is not incurred. While we may not be able to stave off all of the experiences in life that bring pain and discomfort, we are not required to embody this suffering. In fact, quite the opposite! We are not our emotions. Rather than pushing pain down or away, further fragmenting the self, the compassionate leader allows emotions to flow, change, move, asking each feeling what it means to show us, and validating and accepting each emotion as it comes, rather than denying its existence, whether or not we want to feel it, agree with it, or fully understand it.

There are no “shoulds” in emotion, and a compassionate leader knows this, allowing all to be as it is and move through, while consciously observing and learning whatever each emotion needs to share.

It is an exciting year of further transformation ahead, and embodying the qualities of Stag Spirit is a most healing and worthwhile goal, both within and without. May we all step fully into our compassionate power in 2025.


4 Responses

    1. Thank you, Brian! I am ever grateful to continuing opening and growing in understanding through our Beloved Divine.

    1. Thank you, Anthony! It is such an honor and blessing to trust and knowingly work with Spirit to co-create.

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