Energy Healing + Spiritual Growth
As a certified Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher and Shamanic Practitioner, I offer distance reiki energy healing sessions, as well as participatory spiritual growth guidance and counsel, rooted in shamanic tradition.
Shamanic & Reiki Energy Healing Sessions
Traditional distance reiki healing session, rebuilt with shamanic underpinnings. These distance healing sessions offer the full impact of reiki from afar, while you enjoy the comfort of your own home.
30 minutes $45
60 minutes $75
Shamanic & Reiki Energy Healing Sessions: What to Expect
Reiki Energy Healing with Certified Usui Holy Fire III Reiki Master Teacher + Shamanic Practitioner Hannah Taylor
During your session, I will be guided by Spirit to areas of your physical, emotional and energetic body in need of healing. As you receive Reiki, you may feel heat, coolness, vibration, the emergence of emotions (sometimes even surprising ones!), the need to sneeze or cough, etc. As you lay with your eyes closed, you may even experience visions of colors or images from Spirit as well. I will be sure to discuss with you any messages I receive during our session, should you be open to receiving messages from Spirit.
As a shamanic practitioner, my reiki healing methods have evolved, rebuilt with a foundation in shamanism. Healing sessions often include drumming, rattles, crystals and guidance from compassionate spirits in dimensions beyond.
Prior to Your Appointment
Prepare for your reiki healing session by choosing comfortable clothing, a peaceful space, and by relaxing your mind. I recommend also that you remove your shoes for the healing, for your complete comfort.
Questions? Please contact me – I’m delighted to discuss any questions you may have!
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a natural, safe, holistic Japanese technique for relaxation, stress reduction and healing that complements your current medical routines. Reiki work refers to “a laying on of hands,” where healing Universal energy is channeled through the practitioner into the client, either through light touch, while the palms are above the client, within the energy field, or from any distance, while energetically connecting through space and time. Reiki will work wherever it is needed, delivering holistic healing energy into the physical body, the emotional realm, and on the spiritual level.
In Japanese, Reiki is defined as:
Rei, meaning, “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power,” and Ki, meaning, “life force energy.” When we read those words together, Reiki may simply be read as spiritually-guided life force energy.

What is Shamanism?
Shamanism is a nature-based spiritual, guidance and healing practice which has been used by our ancestors for over 44,000 years. While the term “shaman” was originally more culture specific, it has morphed into its more general use today.
The Core Aspects of Shamanism
While traditions vary from culture to culture, there are a few core aspects to shamanism connecting all.
- Unity. Humans are One with all of nature and equal, neither inferior nor superior, to all that we are One with.
- Means to change consciousness at will (e.g. drum).
- Journey to other worlds (non-ordinary reality). Journeying may be described as a form of active meditation.
- Direct interaction with compassionate spirits, such as spirit animals or ancestors, or other nature and elemental spirits, like the trees, or the element of water, for help and healing.
As a shamanic practitioner, I am a hollow bone, a clear conduit through which our Divine Universe works and flows. I am one Light of many, carrying forth the ancient tradition of shamanism today. My practice is interwoven into every aspect of my life. Every waking moment is shared in communion with Spirit, whether I am working directly within my spiritual practice, or experiencing the everyday. Truly, the practice allows me to integrate transcendence with the mundane.

Spiritual Growth Guidance Sessions
Learn to connect with your higher Self and our beloved Divine through shamanic journeying, guidance, meditation, discussion, chakra balancing and energy healing. Incorporate new tools for growth, healing, integration and ascension on your path to discovering your purpose, listening to your intuition and reveling in the gift of connectedness with our Divine universe. Learn more about spiritual growth guidance.
Per session $44
Spiritual Guidance Sessions for Soul Path Seekers
Connect with your higher Self and spiritual Guides.
Open your chakra energy centers.
Manifest abundance in all forms.
Dig into your shadow, wherein hides your greatest gifts.
Find and integrate wisdom from every life experience.
Seek and follow your path of your highest and greatest good.
While I’ve been spiritually-inclined and seeking divine guidance from a very young age, it took quite a bit of time to break free from some of the traditional religion-oriented programming that’s been in place for generations. While it’s true that the more I learn, the more I realize I do not know, thus far I’ve gleaned that sometimes the hardest part of your spiritual journey is taking those very first steps. Not knowing where even to begin.
Energy and spiritual connection life coaching sessions help you uncover the tools you need – tools you already have within, hidden in the shadows – to connect with your higher self and our beloved Divine universe. Through shamanic journeying, meditation, discussion, learning, chakra energy work and healing, we will start you on the path to discovering your purpose, listening to your intuition and reveling in the gift of connectedness with our Divine universe.
Spiritual growth guidance sessions are tailored to each seeker – each path is as unique as the Being forging it. In our first session, we will discover together what it is you are seeking currently on your path, and from there, we will craft biweekly or monthly lessons tailored to your unique journey. I so look forward to sharing time with you. Aho!