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About Hannah Taylor, A Hollow Bone
Aho, I’m Hannah. As a certified Reiki Master & Shamanic Practitioner, I serve as a channel for Divine energy in all forms, including energy healing and intuitive guidance through tarot and Spirit paintings.
My Healing Practice + Training
After 30+ years of intense physical health issues, including full spinal fusion in 1997, from my neck to my lower back, with two long, stainless steel rods, I had been suffering exquisite daily pain and intermittent bouts of paralysis, each for days at a time. Visits to orthopedic surgeons proved unhelpful, being told by not one, but two, that there was nothing anyone could do for me, unless I was completely and consistently paralyzed — they said that if further surgery didn’t kill me, it would fully paralyze me for sure.
Terrified, I sat on a street curb outside of work one day, weeping in pain. Finally, I cried out to the Divine universe, asking, “What do I do?!” A reply came swiftly and without question — “Reiki,” I heard in my right ear. Unsure as to what that meant, but determined to take this step given me by my Guides, I ascended the stairs to my third floor office and gave a quick search.
I learned that Reiki was a form of energy healing and that classes were being offered nearby, in just a few weeks. I signed up immediately, full of hope and unaware of how my life was about to completely and forever change… this time, for the better. As soon as I earned my Reiki I + II certifications, I noticed a change. I was able to reduce my pain levels through Reiki and meditation and the bouts of paralysis seems to disappear entirely! After earning my Reiki Master, pain reduction moved to complete relief. It’s been over five years now since I have needed any aid, not even ibuprofen for a headache!
A few months after my Reiki I + II certifications, I began classes in shamanic healing. While Reiki helped me greatly with my physical pain, I knew I had a lot of healing to do emotionally, as I suffered clinically-diagnosed complex PTSD since childhood, into and through adulthood. I embarked on two-and-a-half years of intensive shamanic training and apprenticeship, delving deep into my shadow, healing and releasing pain and trauma, integrating and earning wisdom passed down through millennia. Shamanism has been absolutely life-changing and has become interwoven into every aspect of my life. I credit who I am as a human today to my shamanic apprenticeship and thank our Beloved Divine every day for my teacher, Lisa.
Years ago, I worried I would not even make it to 40… and I wasn’t even sure I wanted to, living in so much physical and emotional pain. Today, I am ever grateful for my life and excited to walk my path of my highest and greatest good, holding and sharing the Light of our Divine universe with all who walk with me. Thank you, Beloved Divine, for all of the challenges that led me to this path. Thank you for the opportunity to grow and learn and truly find my joy. Aho!

What It Means to Be a Hollow Bone
A hollow bone is a clear conduit, free of any obstruction. In shamanism, being a hollow bone speaks to a practitioner who surrenders to Spirit, working to release ego and attachment, to allow for Spirit to communicate through clearly, without distortion. Channeling our beloved Divine Universe through paintings, readings, shamanism, reiki — in all I do — is my greatest honor, my greatest joy, and the vehicle through which I achieve my soul purpose in this lifetime. Intricately woven in every aspect of my existence, God is my guru and the Light that shines from within me. We are so very blessed for the gift of these lifetimes to grow, learn, heal, integrate and earn wisdom, and I am very much looking forward to sharing time with you, as we commune with Great Spirit.