Bear: Painted Portrait of the Shamanic Healer

The next installment in the Spirit Painting series that details my own hero’s journey, Bear came to me in an insistent vision over the course of a few days. Prior to getting paint on cotton rag, I hadn’t put too much thought into the significance, beyond the meaning that I know to attribute to Bear Spirit. As mentioned in the previous painting post, which features a portrait of woman showing both her Raccoon and Bear aspects, one way Bear is significant to North American and Siberian shamanic traditions in that the word for “bear” and “medicine woman” are one in the same.

Upon finishing this new portrait of Bear Spirit, with her deep and love-filled eyes, I realized just what our Beloved Divine was showing me, as pertaining to my own journey for my highest and greatest good. As Woman in Two Aspects conveyed, there was something that I was holding on to which was keeping me trapped — keeping me from moving forward in my Soul’s purpose, from stepping fully, bravely onto my path as Divine channel for healing and communication. This was painted via the aspect of woman as Raccoon Spirit.

As I have finally found the courage to fully let go of this past self, this way of being which no longer served, Bear Spirit has emerged in all of her glory. She was painted with a loving fervor, so quickly I could barely keep up the pace. Newly awake from her hibernation, she represents me lovingly facing whatever is to come next, with quiet, protective strength. 

I thank our Beloved Divine Universe for the gift of this message, for the gift of these challenges and for these opportunities to learn, grow and earn such Divine wisdom. Aho.

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