POWERFUL vs POWER-FULL. As Dr. M. puts it:
“It’s interesting how the one gives externally focused images; as in, that person is powerful. And how the other is internally focused; as in, you are a person who is full of power. The root of the word “potential” is power. When I talk about that line in our mission statement (educate and develop empowered individuals), I point out that empowerment is not something we do for our students. We do not empower them, because they are already power-full. As are you.”
I couldn’t agree more with this, and wish to expand. As I define POWER-FULL:
To step fully into your power is not to exercise power over another, whether it be human, animal, plant or situation, but to be fully rooted in your personal truth, free of the shackles of societal principle. From this seat, you move through life with ease, release all need for control, and flow with the collective energy of the universe. From this seat of personal power, you set yourself free from all expectation, as expectation merely places limits on that which you wish to achieve, and you become open to living a life more abundant and beautiful than you could imagine, beyond your wildest dreams.
What are your thoughts on the term POWERFUL being split? Please feel welcome to comment below.