The Gifts of Shadow Work: A Spirit Painting

This Spirit painting, channeled over the course of a few months, blasted through barriers I had previously built, opening me to a new and higher form of surrender and trust inner Beloved Divine than ever before. Like the portal emanating from the native warrior’s third eye, this painting was the key that unlocked a giant, ornately designed door — the door to my highest potential on my most optimal timeline — now open, whose threshold I courageously cross, as I continue my path of self-mastery and transcendence, for the highest and greatest good of the Universe. I unveil to you here, The Gifts of Shadow Work. The following passages will unlock for you the meanings behind each Being in this painting, as Spirit has communicated to me. And if this painting resonates with you in any way, know that your intuition is guiding you on the meaning it holds for you.

Shadow Work: Mastering the Path of the Shadow

The Shadow, in case you’re unfamiliar, is described by psychologist Carl Jung as the repressed parts of ourselves, the parts we find unpleasant or cannot tolerate acknowledging (Jung, 1958). Shadow Work is a form of healing that involves shining light onto and accepting these aspects, through acknowledgment and integration of the wisdom earned through the difficult work of recognizing and owning the Shadow. The trick of Shadow Work is that what is in shadow cannot easily be seen, so it is up to us to be open to these aspects of ourselves, by working with our triggers. What triggers us in life — what pisses us off about other people, experiences, etc. — has roots in our own Shadow aspects. We would not be bothered by what is not also within us. As we master the path of the Shadow, bringing each of these aspects into light for acceptance, healing and integration, we find we are no longer perturbed by the things that used to upset us. The things that triggered us no longer have power over us, as we bring each aspect into the light.

The Gifts of Shadow Work

Some of the gifts and benefits earned through Shadow Work and mastering the path of the Shadow, as communicated through Spirit, represented by the Beings here in our painting, The Gifts of Shadow Work, include:

Octopus Spirit Animal: adaptability, creativity, intelligence

Elephant Spirit Animal: strength, power, wisdom

Fish Spirit Animal: creation, rebirth, connection with Higher Self

Jaguar Spirit Animal: in my Shamanic tradition, representative of fire, burning away old ways of being and my guide in soul loss retrieval journeys

Seal Spirit Animal: harmony, agility, enthusiasm

Rooster Spirit Animal: confidence, resilience

Crow (and Raven) Spirit Animal: insight, transformation, connection beyond the veil

Bobcat Spirit Animal: curiosity, playfulness, release of fear

Snake Spirit Animal: shedding what no longer serves, transformation, healing

Owl Spirit Animal: wisdom, intuition, ancestral guidance

Parrot Spirit Animal: mindfulness, learning from experience

How interesting that Spirit painted Owl, who carries the essence of wisdom and ancestral guidance, peering into the portal emanating from the Native Warrior ancestor’s third eye! I am always astounded at how the paintings come together to create such meaningful communication from Spirit. You may also have noticed that a few of the communications are repeated across animals, emphasizing some of these gifts in mastering the path of the Shadow.

Finally, while all are deeply connected to me in any painting channeled for myself, just as the Beings channeled while painting for others are deeply connected to each recipient, I shall make note of the Beings who have played a longterm role in my shamanic work, my path of my highest and best, and my life in general:

The parrot channeled here has appeared in other paintings, as well. His name is Quito, and he is a Pionus parrot who lived with us during my childhood. Quito particularly loved sitting and nestling on my right shoulder — just as he is pictured here, perched atop our Native Warrior ancestor. Elephant has been connected with me for as long as I can remember, since very early childhood, and is a consistent helper Spirit still now. Rooster is, in Chinese astrology, the representative of the year of my birth — particularly, the Golden Rooster. Finally, Crow — and Raven — is my Spirit Animal, with whom I work deeply every day and in every journey. Hiding in the darkness beyond Jaguar, is my blood and protector, Wolf Spirit, my ever constant, loving companion.

If you are interested in learning more about Shadow Work and mastering the path of the Shadow, please contact me or consider some sessions in Healing + Growth. I would be honored and blessed to help.


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