The Release of Unmetabolized Anger: A Spirit-Channeled Watercolor Painting

This painting, another ever-numinously meaningful to my path, was channeled between October 15 – 17. I have been ardently channeling paintings and written works, but less inclined to post as of late. All in Divine timing, as always.

This piece came in celebration of the release of unmetabolized anger, as guided by Spirit, this release came not only emotionally, but in the physicality. I was guided into a journaling healing session to “release unmetabolized anger” by my main Guide, Iris. Uncertain where this would lead, I opened myself to the Universe and allowed the Divine energy to flow. I found myself angrily penning my earliest memories of shame and disgust, first in an accusatory manner, and then transformed into an empowered stance. After about 7 full pages of channeled written healing, I felt release. I felt better. I knew pain that had been stored for 40+ years had been transmuted and lovingly released, rather than pushed down or away. I stood up, ready to continue with the morning, when I remembered I hadn’t yet taken my vitamins for the day.

I wandered into the bathroom with a glass of water and grabbed the brown glass vitamin container in my left hand, just as I do each day. But this day, something different happened next. Instead of screwing off the top of the bottle to retrieve the vitamin inside, the brown glass touching the main energy center in my palm exploded, sending shattered bits of glass everywhere, pulverized as small as powder. The bottom dropped out of the bottle, the vitamins hit the sink, and I stood in shock: it is as though we not only released this unmetabolized anger emotionally, but so strongly, it manifested in the physical realm, as well.

A few days later, it was time to channel a painting in celebration of this great energetic release and of my stepping into a new, lighter, more open, more loving version of myself. Since the release of anger and shattering of the glass bottle in my palm, I have felt like an entirely new Being — again, constant death and rebirth —  and this is cause for celebration.

Well, what our Beloved Divine channeled through me is such an awesome representation of the release of unmetabolized anger, shame, disgust and worthlessness! And of transformation! Stepping into my power, fueled by Divine Energy, waking my kundalini, further lifting the veil… this painting captures it all.

Iris reveals herself representing me on my path, once again, but this time in an androgynous form with powerful features. Strength. We see a Being billowing above her, lovingly guiding the released energy out, lifting away the shroud that covered her, created by all she had seen and heard. As this Being guides the energy up and out, the veil is further lifted from her, revealing increased clairvoyance and clairaudience. The fire of Divine Energy now burning brightly, shining within and surrounding her. And as the energy rises, it pulls up with it the opening of her wings of transformation — beautifully butterfly-style, situated at the back of her head and neck. Astounding!

The final photo in the gallery shows what Spirit channeled before I added any of the detail, while it was all still soaking wet. If you look closely, you will see all of the elements are there, I merely touched in the detail. Numinous!

I am eternally grateful to our Beloved Divine for guiding me through this release and in the channeling of this beautiful painting in celebration. Thank you, Beloved Divine! Thank you, Iris! Aho.

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